Thursday, May 17, 2012

Introducing - New Leasing Options

              Leasing a Honey Bee Hive-Description of Options

May Farms, LLC
·         Involves a site visit to select the site for the hive and complete set up of the hive.
·         A three (3) pound package of bees is installed with a mated queen.
o    It is highly recommended to lease a minimum of two (2) hives to aid in hive manipulation, should it be necessary.
o    The lease is for 8 months (March-October), however, the bees remain in the apiary for the duration of the year.
o    Maintenance is the responsibility of the beekeeper but the customer may assist to the level he or she desires, under the supervision of the beekeeper.
o    It is not likely a surplus of honey will be harvested the first year, however all honey is harvested by the beekeeper and shared equally with the customer.
·         There is a onetime charge of $50 for each hive set up, plus a $35 per month charge for hive maintenance.
o    The charge is reduced to $25 per hive, per month for leasing more than one hive.

·         Many times an individual may wish for a second opinion or wish to be instructed in a particular hive manipulation.
o    The beekeeper will visit customer’s apiary and perform the desired activity while instructing the customer in the process.
o    The charge for this service is $50 per hour while in the apiary, plus a $25 per hour charge for traveling to and from the customer’s site.

·         Becoming an owner of a bee hive(s) for your apiary is a rewarding adventure.
o    A site visit is made to the customer, a hive(s) location is selected, and hive maintenance begins.
o    The customer becomes the owner of the supplies which includes the bee hive (bottom board, deep, shallow super, inner cover, and telescoping cover) with a 3 pound package of bees and a mated queen, one honey super, hat & veil, smoker, gloves, and a hive tool.
o    The customer can elect to participate in the hive maintenance to the level desired. Instruction in hive maintenance is offered during visitations.
·         The cost of the ownership program is that of the Leasing program, plus a $450 for the hive and supplies.
o    The contract is for 8 months, per year, however the hive remains on site.

·         The Sponsor Program addresses the importance of our honey bee – a vitally important pollinator and provider of many hive by-products, to include honey, pollen, propolis, and wax
o    We continue to perform research for improvements in our apiaries. By donating $150 we are able to further this study.
o    In addition to receiving quarterly bee keeping information, the sponsor will receive two (2) quarts of local honey and two (2) 12 inch bees wax candles.

                                  FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION
         CONTACT:    Cell: 864-430-0318  or  Email:

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